Being and HVAC Tech

What is it REALLY Like Being an HVAC Technician

Being an HVAC technician isn't just a job; it's a dynamic, hands-on career that offers a unique blend of technical challenges and problem-solving opportunities. In this article I want to answer a few questions that I get asked by those considering entering the HVAC career field.

Is Being an HVAC Technician Mentally Stressful?

Yes… at first. There is nothing more stressful than being dispatched to your first service job by yourself or tackling and issue you have never encountered before. However, over time your confidence builds, and the stress caused by uncertainty begins to diminish. My advice is take as many service calls as possible. Don’t be afraid. Every call makes you a better tech.

Is Being an HVAC Technician Physically Stressful?

Sometimes. There are occasions when you find yourself in a hot attic, a cramped crawl space, or a windy and cold rooftop. There is no getting around it. My best advice is be prepared. Always keep warm clothes in your service truck, even if you think you don’t need it.

Do HVAC Technicians Make a Lot of Money?

Good ones do. The more you know, the more valuable you become to your company, the more jobs you’re able to take on. Any HVAC company is going to want to keep their good techs around. When there is a slow day and only enough work for one tech, a smart HVAC company is going to give that work to the better tech.

When I was entering the HVAC career, I was led to believe that all HVAC technicians were making lots of money. I quickly learned that isn’t entirely true. The techs with lower skill sets found themself sitting at home a lot while the higher skilled technicians were pulling in 60+ hour weeks. If you want to make a lot of money, be a better tech.

Is Being an HVAC Technician Hard?

Yes. Very often you are entering an unpredictable situation with little or no information. You are expected to diagnose and remedy the problem, often while the homeowner is staring at you. You’re expected to endure harsh and dangerous environments. To be a good tech, you need to have a mental and physical resilience that most people do not possess. While there are a lot of careers that are certainly harder, being an HVAC technician is not without its difficulties.

What is the Best Part of Being an HVAC Technician?

Easily the best part of being an HVAC Technician for me is the people I get to work with. I have worked for several HVAC companies and have found that comradery is generally high. If you find yourself at a company with poor comradery, leave. This can be a challenging and stressful job. The last thing you need is poor morale.

A close second would be the feeling you get when you fix equipment. I have fixed countless furnaces, ACs and boilers. But that feeling you get when the system fires up for the first time… indescribable.

What is the Worst Part of Being an HVAC Technician?

For me, the worst part of being an HVAC tech is the unpredictable schedule. There are days when you’re sitting at home with no work. There are other days when you’re getting emergency calls at 2 o’clock in the morning and you’re out all day. The best way to mitigate this is to just be the best tech possible. This will minimize the number of days you're sitting at home with nothing to do. It will also afford you the ability to say “no” to an after-hour call (assuming you’re not on call) without the fear of losing your job.

What’s the Best Advice for a New Technician?

LEARN! Learn everything you can. When you’re not working, you should be studying. This will help build that confidence and knowledge base you need when you’re tackling an issue you’ve never encountered before.

A second piece of advice would be to invest in your tools. Don’t go cheap. If you buy the cheaper tool, I can guarantee you will be back later to replace it. Buy once, cry once. In the HVAC world, your tools are an extension of yourself. Consider an investment in your tools an investment in yourself.

Should You Go to Trade School to Be an HVAC Technician?

It’s not strictly necessary to go to a trade school before starting your career in HVAC. You will learn everything you need to know working in the field. However, I do recommend going to a trade school. In my experience, going to trade school enhanced my ability to learn in the field. Ultimately, this is a personal choice. In the long term, it doesn’t really make a difference.

What is the Most Frustrating Part About Being an HVAC Technician?

Lying customers. If you didn’t change your furnace filter for 6 months before your furnace finally stopped working, tell us that right away. We’re going to find out eventually. If you tried to fix the system yourself, tell us what you did. A customer who isn’t honest can turn a 15-minute job into a job that takes hours. I’m not going to feel great when I have to charge you hours of labor for something I could have fixed in a matter of minutes.

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